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How do I Process a Receipt ?
How do I Process a Receipt ?
Written by Joseph Godwin
Updated over a week ago

When you have imported a receipt, you need to review so it can be processed through the system. You can edit any details of the receipt and then save it or approve it. Learn how to Import a Receipt and how to Navigate in Receipts.

How do I Process a Receipt ?

  • To access the page, select Receipts from the sidebar menu and you will land on the To Review tab.

  • Select the receipt that you want to review. Make the changes needed on the details of the receipt if not extracted by the OCR or added via rules.

Receipt Details

  • Type : choose if the receipt is a bill or an expense.

  • Issue Date : select the issue date of the bill or expense.

  • Currency : select the currency of the receipt.

  • Contact : add a contact associated to the receipt if it is a bill.

  • Paid by : if it is an expense, select if it is paid by a member of staff or an account.

  • Staff : if you chose a member of staff, select which one.

  • Account : if you chose an account, select the account.

  • Category : select a category for the receipt.

  • Total Amount : enter the total amount.

  • VAT : select the correct VAT rate for the receipt.

  • Description : you can also enter a description.

  • Add Item : you can create an another item in the receipt by clicking on Add Item.


  • Note : write a title and and note. Click on Add Note.

How do I Save or Approve a Receipt ?

  • If you haven't finished editing the details of your receipt, then you can simply save the receipt and complete its information later before approving it. To do this, click on Save.

  • If you have finished editing the details of your receipt, you can approve it in the system and make final entry. To do this click on Approve and Next. Depending on if it is a bill or an expense, the information of the receipt will be shifted into the Expenses or Purchases page.


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