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How do I Navigate The To Reconcile Tab ?
How do I Navigate The To Reconcile Tab ?

Find your way around the To Reconcile tab on your bank account page

Written by Joseph Godwin
Updated over a week ago

The To Reconcile tab lists the transactions that have been uploaded from your bank feed or imported through an Excel spreadsheet but have not as yet been reconciled with the transactions you have entered into hibooks through your normal day-to-day business. Learn how to navigate in the All Transactions tab and how to manage Bank Accounts.

How do I View a List of Unreconciled Transactions ?

You can view the list of unreconciled transactions in two ways.

  • Either from the dashboard, in the Bank Accounts block, click on Reconcile Transactions.

  • Or select Banking from the side bar menu.

  • To view a list of unreconciled transactions, select the To Reconcile tab.

What Information is Contained in The To Reconcile tab ?

  • Date: The date the transaction was created in hibooks.

  • Description: The name of the transaction.

  • Payee: If the transaction related to a payment, the name of the person or organisation receiving the payment.

  • Paid In/Paid Out: The amount that has been paid in or paid out of the bank account, relating to that transaction, with the currency.

  • Category or Match: hibooks analyses each transaction imported either through a bank feed or Excel spreadsheet, and assigns each transaction an option, depending on what its analysis finds to the most likely hibooks category. It also searches for a likely match for the transaction e.g. a transaction that you have already entered on hibooks.

  • Status : This gives you a choice of actions to take in relation to individual transactions in the list. The choices open to you depends on how hibooks analysed the transaction. Select View to take a look at the transaction and the list of records found that might match it, this will appear if your transaction has multiple matches. Select Reconcile to send the transaction to the All Transactions tab. Select Approve to approve the match that was found, this button appears when you have only one match.

  • Actions : This shows a choice of actions you can take related to that transaction.

How do I use the Tickbox ?

You will see a tickbox at the top left of your To Reconcile transactions next to Date. Ticking this box activates the Actions directly on your page and allow you to do it in bulk. There are four options :

  • Approve: Select this to approve actions and send the transaction to the All Transactions tab.

  • Archive: Select this to archive the transactions.

  • Bulk Edit: Select this to modify several transactions at once. With Bulk Edit you can change the transactions’ Account Type and VAT Rate.

  • Transfer : Select this to transfer the transactions to another bank account.

What Information is Contained in the Category and Match Options ?

For each transaction in the To Reconciled list, the Category or Match column will indicate one of the following :

  • Record Found: If hibooks has found a perfect match for that transaction in the list, it will display Record Found. This means that hibooks has found just one transaction that has the exact same value as the bank transaction imported through a bank feed or Excel spreadsheet.

  • X Records Found : This indicates that hibooks has found one or two transactions in the system with the exact same value as the bank transaction imported through a bank feed or Excel spreadsheet. If there are more matches, then you need to use the filter and search for a match.

  • Uncategorised Sales: This indicates that hibooks hasn’t found any income transaction with the same value as the bank transaction, so it has recommended it be assigned to a non-specific income group. It calls this Uncategorised Sales.

  • Uncategorised Expenses: This indicates that hibooks hasn’t found any payment transaction with the same value as the bank transaction, so it has recommended it be assigned to a non-specific expense group. It calls this Uncategorised Expenses.

  • Rule Applied: This indicates that a rule has been created for the parameters of this transaction which has meant it has been automatically treated in a certain way.

How do I View an Individual Unreconciled Transaction ?

To view an individual unreconciled transaction, expand the transaction. It will show you more details about the transaction, including actions to take to reconcile the transaction:

  • Search a Match : use this feature to search a match for your transactions.

  • Create Bill : if the transaction is paid out then you can create a bill.

  • Create Transaction : whether the transaction is paid in or out you can create a transaction.

  • Create an Invoice : if the transaction is paid in then you can create an invoice.

  • Transfer : this feature allows you to transfer the transaction to another bank account.

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