In hibooks, Staff Expenses allow you to keep a record of the expenses of your business paid either by a member of staff or a specific account. You can create as many as you want in the system, and also view and edit them. Learn how to create a Staff Expense and how to create a Mileage.
How do I Create a Staff Expense ?
You can create a new Staff Expense in two ways :
Select Staff Expenses from the sidebar menu. Click on Add New Expense at the top right of the page.
Or from your dashboard you can click on Create New and then Expenses.
Learn how to complete the fields here.
How do I view a Staff Expense ?
Click on Staff Expenses from the side bar menu.
To view a staff expense select the Staff Expense you wish to see.
On the Expense Overview page, here you will find all information connected with this document, including payments, notes and files.
How do I edit a Staff Expense ?
Select Staff Expenses from the side bar menu.
Open the staff expense you want to edit by selecting it.
Press the Edit button in the Expense Overview page.
When finished editing, click on Save and Approve.
Note: You can edit Staff Expense only if it doesn’t have any payments.