In hibooks, you can use Credit Control to send a reminder for an unpaid invoice two days before the due date as default but you can change that by creating a new reminder and activating it. Add Reminder is a setting that tells the system how often invoice reminders should be sent. Learn how to Manage Email Templates and how to Manage Invoice Settings.
How do I Create a Reminder ?
To access the page click on System Settings at the bottom left of your hibooks page.
Click on Credit Control from the side bar menu of Settings of the Invoices and Emails section.
Click on Add Reminder.
Complete the fields.
General Settings
Reminder Name : give a name to your reminder to identify it.
Email Template : select the template from the different choices for your reminder.
Is Active : if you tick this tickbox then you will make this new reminder active and to become the main Invoice Reminder.
Number of Days : indicate the number of days you want the reminder to be whether that is before or after the due date.
Before/After : select if you want the reminder to be before or after the due date.
At : select the time of the day you want the reminder to be.
And Each : if you tick this tickbox you want to repeat the reminder.
Days After That : indicate the frequency you want to repeat that reminder.
Duration : indicate the duration of the repetition.
Email Content
Subject : write the subject of the email.
Message : write the message of the email.
Add Parameters
Add Parameters : this will allow you to add fields in the email for the new template, like for example number, company name and contact person depending on the parameters you choose. You can add this to the body of the message and the subject.
Click on Save when you have finished completing the information of the reminder.
How do I Edit a Reminder ?
On the Credit Control page in Settings click on the reminder in the list to edit it.
Make the changes you want from General Settings to the message of the reminder and click on Save to keep the changes.
How do I Enable Credit Control and Activate Reminders ?
To enable credit control you can :
Activate Enable Credit Control.
Activate Default for all new contacts which will mean that credit control will be enabled for all the new contacts.
Activate Turn on this feature for all the existing contacts which will mean that credit control will be enabled for all existing contacts.
To activate reminders :
Activate the reminder you want.