A bill credit note is a credit note you receive from a supplier. You can create as many as you want in the system and you can also add a credit note to a bill as well as allocate a credit note. Learn how to manage Bills and how to allocate a Credit Note.
How do I Add a Supplier Credit Note ?
Select Purchases from the side bar menu and Bills from the drop-down menu.
In the All Bills tab click on Add New and then select Add Credit Note.
Learn how to complete the details here.
Select Save and Approve. You’ll be redirected to the All Bills tab where you can view your new credit note.
How do I View and Edit a Bill Credit Note ?
In the All Bills tab, select the credit note you wish to view and edit.
Click on Edit.
Make the changes needed and click on Save and Approve.
How do I Allocate a Credit Note ?
Allocating a Credit Note allows you to allocate credit note amounts against any balances due by you to this contact.
On your All Bills tab, select the credit note you wish to allocate.
Click on the button with three dots and select Allocate Credit Note from the drop-down menu.
Enter the amount you’d like to allocate in the field next to the relevant bill(s).
When finished select Save.
How do I Archive a Bill Credit Note ?
On your All Bills tab, select the credit note you wish to archive.
Click on the button with three dots and select Archive.
You will now find your credit note in the Archived tab which you can restore or delete it from the system.
How do I Delete a Bill Credit Note ?
On your All Bills tab, select the credit note you wish to delete.
Click on the button with three dots and then select.
It’s only possible to delete a bill credit note if:
Some or all of the credit note has not yet been allocated to an outstanding bill.
The credit note has not yet been archived.
The credit note hasn’t already been included in a submitted VAT Return.