In hibooks, you can create and manage all your invoices in the system. On the Invoices tab and you’ll see the list of invoices. This list will also contain any sales credit notes that you’ve raised. Here you’ll find all the invoice credit note details and corresponding payments, notes, and files. You can view, edit, export as PDF and archive an invoice and setup online payments as well as reminders. Learn also how to create an Invoice and how to manage Recurring Invoices.
How do I Create an Invoice ?
Select Sales from the side bar menu and Invoices from the drop-down menu.
Select Add New at the top right of your invoices and then select Add Invoice from the drop-down menu.
Click here to learn how to complete the information.
If you’d like to set up an automatic invoice due reminder, then learn about the Credit Control Reminder box here.
How do I View and Edit Invoices ?
On the Invoice page select the invoice you’d like to view. The Invoice Overview tab shows detailed invoice information, including company name, account type, quantity, unit cost, VAT Rate, VAT total, and total amount.
To edit an invoice:
On the All Invoices page select the invoice you wish to edit.
Click on Edit at the top right of the page.
You can edit the information you wish to change, including the credit note.
When you’ve finished editing, select Save and Approve.
How do I Send an Invoice with a Reminder ?
On the Invoice page select the invoice where you wish to send a reminder.
Select Send from the top right of the page and then on Send Email from the dropdown menu. It is also possible to send it via WhatsApp.
Enter the email address if it’s not already predefined from your contact’s details in the Contacts page. Enter a subject for the email and select a template.
The invoice is automatically attached to a message as a .pdf file. You can also attach other documents.
Click on Send when you have finished.
How do I Archive an Invoice ?
In hibooks, you can archive an invoice in two ways.
Either individually select the button with three dots of the invoice you wish to archive and click on Archive.
Or you can do it in bulk by ticking the tickbox at the top left, untick the invoices you don't want to archive and click on Archive.
Learn more about archiving invoices here.
Note: You can only archive an invoice if it has not yet had any payments allocated to it.
How do I Add a Note to an Invoice ?
On the Invoice page, select the invoice you wish to add a note to.
Select Notes and then click on Add Note.
You can give your note a title with a message. When you have finished your note, click on Add Note.
How do I Add a File to an Invoice ?
In the All Invoices page, select the invoice you wish to add a file to.
Select Files and then click on Add Files.
To add a file from your device, click on Upload and browse your device.
The file formats you can use are: .pdf, .xls, .txt, .png, .gif, .doc, .docx, .jpg, .jpeg, .ods, .xlsx, .csv. The maximum file size is 15 Mb (2 Mb kb).
How do I Delete an Invoice ?
On the Invoice page, select the invoice you wish to delete.
Click on the button with three dots and then on Delete. It will ask you if you are sure to delete the invoice.
It’s only possible to delete an invoice if:
It is unpaid or overdue.
The date of the invoice doesn’t fall within a locked period.
The invoice hasn’t already been included in a submitted VAT Return.